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支招小作文(170) I 动态线图 英国三种污染源排量对比

January 4, 2024

雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明


[2023/ 12/ 30] The line chart below shows the sources of air pollutants in the UK from 1990 to 2005.


方法1:按照 趋势 分段【本篇文章采用此种分段方法】

- Body 1:total + industry

- Body 2:transport + household



The line graph compares the number of pollutants released into the air from various sources in Britain between 1990 and 2005.


Overall, the quantity of pollutants released by the industryremained the largestthroughout the period.Also,there emerged a falling trend inthe total number of air pollutants.


- industry的污染物排量一直最高

- 总排量呈现下降趋势

【Body 1】

It is clear thatthe total number of contaminants to the airwitnessed a significant dropfrom 7 to 4 million tonnes in the beginning 9 years.Aftera period of steadinessuntil 2002, this figuredecreased marginallyby 1 million in the final year.Likewise, a similar trend could be seen inthe emission of pollutants from the industry. Its figuresaw a slight fallfrom 5.5 to 5 million tonnes between 1990 and 1993,before declining sharply by2 million tonnes in 1996.The last 9 years saw a gradual decrease to2 million tonnes in this figure.


- 蓝色 总排量:前9年显著下降→到2002年平稳→到最后一年小幅度下降

- 橙色 industry排量:

- 也呈现下降趋势

- 1990-1993小幅度下降→到1996年急剧下降→最后9年年小幅度下降

【Body 2】

We can also find that in the beginning, 1 million ton of air contaminants came from transport, and this figureremained stableuntil 1999.Subsequently,there was a modest rise by0.2 million tonnes in 2002,after whichthis figurekept steadyuntil 2005.Althoughhouseholds emitted the same quantity of pollutants as transport in the original year, its figureunderwent a slight drop by0.5 million tonnes in 1996,followed bya period of stabilityin the subsequent 3 years.Afterwards, families reduced their emissions of pollutants until no contaminants were released in the final year.


- 灰色 transport排量:第一年1million ton→到2002年小幅度上升→到2005年持平

- 黄色 households:第一年和transport排量相同→到1996年小幅度下降→随后三年平稳→随后持续下降,直到最后一年为0

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